Timberline Canoes
Specializing in Vintage Wood and Canvas Canoe Restoration
as well as other types of watercraft services
Thanks for visiting… pardon the dust – just like those old canoes, my website is currently
undergoing a full restoration. Your patience is greatly appreciated!

Benefits of owning and paddling a wood canoe...
Gentle on the environment
No fossil fuels required
No water pollution
Quiet - no noise pollution
Easy to maneuver
Easy to transport
Renewable construction
Good for your body
Best of all...
Great for your soul!

"Cedar Moon", a painting of mine from a few years ago in honor of the youthful time spent on Blue Lake in northern Michigan.
Through careful planning and craftsmanship, my goal is to bring vintage canoes back to their former glory.
A beautiful craft built not only for travel, but has the ability to generate a wealth of priceless memories from time well spent upon the water with friends, family or on a precious solitary excursion.

For repair and restoration inquiries,
please contact Gordy at timberlinecanoes@gmail.com
Located on the east shore of Summit Lake, between Dolores and Mancos, in southwest Colorado.
Everybody must believe in something,
I believe I’ll go canoeing
– Henry David Thoreau
Copyright 2023 Timberline Canoes, Mancos, Colorado